A bit chilly.

After a very clear night it was 7F this morning, that’s -13.88C for you Celsius types. Rather chilly you might say. I fed the birds outside, took a few shots out of the window but the West wind  blowing towards me wasn’t nice so I quit after a few minutes. I went up the lane to where I spread the seed and I’m sure the larks were waiting for me. As the sun was behind me I spread the seed on the Western side which was pretty much the same as at home, the wind blowing right at me. I didn’t last more than 10 minutes as my fingers were numb even wearing gloves.  One Lapland Longspur joined the Horned Larks but didn’t find the Snow Buntings I was hoping for. If the snow persists for a while there’s a good chance some will turn up as in previous years.