Looking more like January

After the low temperatures of yesterday we got about 3 inches of Snow overnight and a light layer on top after I’d been out and Snow blowered the drive damn it! When I’d finished I topped up the bird feeders and spread plenty of mixed seed around along with dried mealworms.  On the way out to the supermarket I stopped just up the lane and spread some seed out just off the roadway for the field birds. There’s several hundred Horned Lark in the fields and often Lapland Longspurs (Buntings) mixed in with them. If the snow persists we often get Snow Buntings as well mixed in. After shopping and stopping for lunch I took some photo’s of the birds in the yard then headed up to where I’d spread the seed along the roadway. As I pulled up and parked  the hundred or so Larks flew off but soon came back as usual. I was looking for the Laplands but after 1/2 an hour or so there was no sign. The Larks were very flighty much more so than during a  prolonged snow cover when they’re probably hungrier than at present. The forecast is below freezing for the next several days and more snow on Friday. I’ve been spreading seed up there each snow fall to feed the field birds for several years and it’s now even an eBird Hotspot because of it!