Pie or Pile, that is the question.

I never know how to pronounce Pileated Woodpecker. Is it Pi-le-ated or Pil-ee-ated? I say the former but there are occasions where it’s so much simpler. It’s pronounced “Fuck Me, what an awesome bird!”. Today was one of those days. I said it silently of course not wanting to disturb them. There were 2 males, the female I got yesterday. The supporting cast included Downy, Hairy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers along with Purple Finch, Dark-eyed Junco and White-breasted Nuthatch. A little later I got the Red-shouldered Hawk, I tried to get it as it flew towards me but couldn’t find it waving the 800 mm around damnit. Luckily it flew onto the utility pole but the light wasn’t nearly as good. 

2 Replies to “Pie or Pile, that is the question.”

    1. Oh yes. That Mulberry log has a split a good way down which I stuff with bird suet cake. It appears in a good number of my woodpecker and nuthatch shots.

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